Radiation Safety Officer
Course Description:
This seminar is designed for Radiation Safety Officers and those in training to become Radiation Safety Officers, and provides the training required by NRC in 10 CFR Part 34, Section 34.42, Radiation Safety Officer for Industrial Radiography. Seminar participants are requested to bring a copy of their company’s Operating and Emergency Manual which may be used during interactive discussions.
Program Highlights:
- Radiation Safety Officer Duties and Responsibilities
- Drive Cables (Information Notice 97-91 and Supplement 1)
- 10 CFR Review and Discussion: Part 34, Part 20, Part 19, Part 21
- Transportation
- ALARA Principles (Time, Distance, and Shielding)
- Case Histories and Overexposures
- NRC Regulatory Guides: NUREG-1556 and NUREG-1600
- State Agreement Information and Other Additional Regulations
- Equipment Standards: N432-80
- Source Retrieval: Methods and Types
- NRC Approval List (Information Notice 95-58)
- Discussion
- Associated Equipment (Information Notice 96-20)
Prerequisites & Comments:
Class size is limited for maximum utilization of instructor, equipment and resources.